After actor Dileep, it is now Prithviraj's turn, Yes! Prithvi will play Sardarji in upcoming Malayalam film Mallu Singh, which will be directed by Pokkiri Raja fame director Vaisakh. The actor is said to be is trying out his hand at humor and and he will appear in totally different get up, which he has never played before this.
Recently, Vaisakh announced that his forthcoming movie Mallu Singh would be a full length entertainer and Prithviraj would play the role of Bobby Singh in it. Bobby is a Malayalee guy, who disguises himself as a Sikh and lives in Punjab. The Mallu actor will appear as a Sikh with turban and long beard in the movie. Prithvi has already done a photo shoot in Kochi in his Sardarji getup. Sources say that he looks fantastic in Sardarji's get up.
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